Tuesday, May 24, 2005


What better way to start this blog than with a case in which defecation plays a role in flavor enhancement?

Of course I am talking about the ever-infamous Kopi Luwak coffee. It's rich, chocolatey, and has no aftertaste. I wish I could say the same about things that come out of my ass.

Basically some furry Indonesian creature that looks like a cross between a cat and a mongoose eats the coffee cherries and craps out the beans mostly intact, and then they are roasted and made into a tasty coffee.

Who knew that combined bestiality and scat fetishes could so easily be appeased at the mere price of $175 per pound!

Info that I was too lazy to summarize:

Kopi Luwak Coffee


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are Ferrri of Blog. You will be assimilated ;-).

11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dammit, and I can't type worth a lick when I'm being witty.

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually saw one of these critters when I was camping in the jungles of Sumatra. I had my fill of a burger, and there was a little bit left that I had just tossed off to the side, figuring something would eat it. After sitting there quietly enjoying the surroundings for abit, one of these things appeared and began inspecting the remains of the burger.

It was very shocking to see something that I had absolutely no idea what it was. I suppose I had this unconcious feeling that I at least knew of virtually every type of living creature roaming about, so to see something that couldn't really be classified readily was an interesting suprise.

11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talk about picking the corn out of your shit. Maybe it could be sold at a good price too. Might as well give it a shot.

10:50 PM  
Blogger Princess Alpenrose said...

New to your blog - link from Neil's - and I find your pretty much weird, sexually obsessed and useless. Still, can't resist commenting on the Sumatra poop coffee thing ...

A bunch of office co-workers and I discovered this on the web during our quest to bring really good non-Starbucks coffee to our workplace.

I proposed we each chip in a few bucks, buy 1/4 lb. and try it. Great idea - no takers. Wimps.

I thought their cowardice was amazing. How is this any worse (or better) than eating tiny expensive fish eggs or sauteed animal brains or fungus grown in pig poop? I'll bet many of you have, and you probably paid top dollar for the privilege!

Have you eaten caviar, dear readers? I have and I LOVE it. Have you eaten sweetbreads? I haven't and won't and you couldn't pay me to. PUKE. no way. Have you eaten mushrooms? I used to refuse, then I tried them, and they're okay. Just OKAY. Take them or leave them, I'll usually leave them. These disgusting things, like caviar and mushrooms, are WAY more expensive per pound, than some coffee that got shit out of an animal, washed off, roasted and made into coffee. (And while we're at it, if you were in the desert and had a blistering caffeine headache, you might do the same.)

But coffee? I love coffee and I would try it - ONCE. Then I could say I did and that I made up my own mind! Let's do it - any takers???? I thought not. (wimps)

5:23 AM  

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