Thursday, June 30, 2005

Fisting is Patriotic!

Welcome to eBay, home of collectibles, used panties, and patriotic bible school puppets.

First off, let me just say that I despise puppets. There's something intrinsically wrong about shoving your hand into something's sphincter (plush though it may be) in order to manipulate its mouth. There are really only three good reasons for an anal probe: alien abduction, prostate examination, and the good old-fashioned love of anal sex. If I'm not mistaken, none of these things have much to do with the "Sunday School" or "Vacation Bible School" venues for which the creator of this monstrosity imagines it will be used. However, if they do, might I suggest a little Divine Intervention (NOT WORK SAFE).

Now back to my original issue. It looks like Elmo swallowed a gallon of arsenic after being lobotomized by the neighbor's cat. What is further disturbing is the wallpaper. Take a closer look, people. Somehow I doubt that wallpaper comes and goes with the season that is now upon us. If after that observation you have any semblance of retinas intact, let me just ask this:

Does anybody see what I see?


Blogger spazfilly said...

What's wrong with you homos? Why is nobody commenting!?

2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Penises and puppets in the same post! And it's not even that messed up guy's underwear with the giraffe or elephant on the fron ;)

Still can't believe your puppet dislike. Specially when it comes to the Muppets. We should do a Labrynth drinking night again so you can get drunk and rant at them. Could make for an entertaining eve.....

2:33 PM  

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